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Liability or exposure to liability, is not limited to QDROs.  In fact, more often than not liability issues arise from improper settlement agreement language due to:

  • Lack of understanding a particular retirement plan's division options.

  • Mis-identifying retirement plans (i.e., referring to pensions as “accounts”) or not properly identifying the plan(s) at all.

  • Vague, ambiguous, or insufficient property settlement agreement language.

  • Using incorrect terminology  – what means one thing to the attorneys and/or the court can mean something entirely different to the plan administrator, often to the detriment to the spouse receiving benefits.

  • Awarding “50% of the Marital Portion” when plans may not calculate a marital portion

  • Mis-use of coverture fractions – applied to an accrued pension benefit to exclude a premarital portion OR applied to the retirement benefit at retirement affording increases to the spouse’s share.

  • Assuming employee contributions into a pension plan equates to value.


While we always welcome, and do not charge for, brief consultations regarding the general provisions of retirement plans, when you need assistance in understanding the specific division options of a retirement plan and preparing property settlement agreement language, we offer hourly consulting services.   



Retirement Plan Division Research & Analysis

We offer hourly consulting ($200/hour) to review and analyze retirement plan division options and prepare a written summary of the division options available for consideration.  This ensures you are adequately addressing each of the particular plan’s divisible benefits.  We will also be available to discuss the options with you and your client, either by Zoom or a conference call.


We offer hourly consulting ($200/hour) to review and analyze retirement plan division options and prepare customized language to safely secure your client’s share of the retirement assets.


Reviewing the Laws

Divorce decree & Settlement Agreement Language

The QDRO Company
proudly serves you with efficiency and expertise.

The QDRO Company, LLC does not provide individual legal, financial or tax advice.

The QDRO Company

(877) NO1-QDRO
(877) 661-7376

PO Box 422
Chelsea, MI 48118

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